

Siculiana is a small medieval village located on the southwestern coast of Sicily, a few kilometers from Agrigento. The village is perched on a hill overlooking the sea, offering a spectacular view of the coast and the Strait of Sicily.

The historic center of Siculiana is characterized by narrow, winding streets that wind their way between stone houses and Baroque churches. Among the most important monuments to visit are the Mother Church, inside which is the Sanctuary of the Most Holy Crucifix of Siculiana, home to the Black Crucifix, patron saint of Siculiana (celebrated from 1 to 3 May). Then there is the Convent of San Francesco, the Chiaramonte Castle and the Abbey of Santa Maria del Bosco.

Siculiana is also a very popular seaside destination. The coast of the village is characterized by sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, which offer the opportunity to spend a vacation in the name of relaxation and fun.


Chiaramonte Castle

The Chiaramonte Castle is a medieval fortress located in Siculiana, Sicily. It is one of the most important castles on the island, and represents an important example of Sicilian Gothic architecture.

The castle was built in the 14th century by the Chiaramonte family, one of the most powerful feudal families in Sicily. The structure is composed of a series of towers, courtyards, and halls, and is surrounded by a moat.

The castle has been restored over the years, and is now open to tourists. It is possible to visit the different halls of the castle, including the throne room, the armory, and the chapel.

The Chiaramonte Castle is a great place to learn about the history and culture of Sicily. It is a fascinating and mysterious place that will leave you speechless.

The castle is a large and imposing structure that dominates the skyline of Siculiana. It is made of white limestone and has a distinctive Gothic style. The castle is surrounded by a moat, which was once filled with water to provide protection.

The castle has a long and interesting history. It was built by the Chiaramonte family in the 14th century, and was used as a residence and a fortress. The castle was also used as a prison, and it is said to be haunted by the ghosts of its former prisoners.

The castle is now a popular tourist destination. Visitors can explore the different rooms of the castle, including the throne room, the armory, and the chapel. The castle also offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

The Chiaramonte Castle is a must-see for any visitor to Siculiana. It is a fascinating and mysterious place that will leave you with a lasting impression.


Scala dei Turchi

The Scala dei Turchi is a white marl cliff that rises steeply above the sea along the coast of Realmonte, Sicily. It is one of the most beautiful and evocative places on the island, and attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year.

The cliff, which is about 200 meters long and 30 meters high, is characterized by a wavy and irregular shape, with lines that are not sharp but rather soft and rounded. The color of the rock is pure white, a color that is due to the particular type of minerals present.

The Scala dei Turchi is an ideal place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. You can swim in the crystal-clear waters of the sea, sunbathe on the beach, or simply admire the breathtaking view.

The Scala dei Turchi is a natural wonder that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who visits it. The white cliffs are a stunning sight, and the crystal-clear waters are perfect for swimming and sunbathing. The Scala dei Turchi is a must-see for any visitor to Sicily.


Valley of the Temples

The Valley of the Temples is an archaeological site that testifies to the greatness of the Greek civilization in Sicily. It is located in the city of Agrigento and includes the remains of seven temples dedicated to different deities. The temples are built in the Doric style and date back to the 5th and 6th centuries BC. They are considered among the most beautiful and best preserved of antiquity.

Among the most famous temples are the Temple of Concordia, the Temple of Juno and the Temple of Hercules. The Temple of Concordia is the most intact and imposing, with its 34 columns still standing. The Temple of Juno is located on a hill overlooking the valley and offers a panoramic view of the landscape. The Temple of Hercules is the oldest on the site and features eight columns rebuilt in 1921.

A visit to the Valley of the Temples takes at least two hours to appreciate the beauty and history of the place. The park also offers an archaeological museum, a Kolymbetra garden and a paleochristian necropolis. Opening hours are from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm daily. Ticket prices vary depending on the options chosen.

The Valley of the Temples is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Sicily. It is a must-see for anyone interested in history and art.


Pietro Griffo Archaeological Museum

The Regional Archaeological Museum of Agrigento “Pietro Griffo” is one of the most important and visited museums in Sicily, a must-see for anyone interested in the Valley of the Temples. The museum is dedicated to the memory of Pietro Griffo, an archaeologist and Superintendent of Agrigento from 1941 to 1968.

The museum is located within the Archaeological Park of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and houses a vast collection of archaeological artifacts that tell the story of the city of Agrigento and its territory.

The museum is open every day from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm.

The museum is divided into two main sections: the Greek section and the Roman section. The Greek section houses a collection of artifacts from the ancient Greek civilization that once flourished in Sicily. The collection includes sculptures, pottery, jewelry, and other objects. The Roman section houses a collection of artifacts from the Roman civilization that ruled Sicily for centuries. The collection includes sculptures, mosaics, and other objects.

The museum is a valuable resource for scholars and students of ancient history. It is also a popular tourist destination, and it is a must-see for anyone visiting the Valley of the Temples.


Kolymbethra Garden

The Garden of Kolymbetra is an archaeological site of great natural and landscape relevance, located in a small valley in the heart of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento. The garden extends for just over five hectares, inside which you can find a rich variety of agriculture typical of the Valley of the Temples.

The garden is cultivated in a small valley between the Temple of the Dioscuri and the Temple of Vulcan, in the site identified with the ancient artificial basin (pool, bath, cistern, fishpond), built by the will of the tyrant Terone after the victory in the battle of Himera (480 BC).

The garden is an extraordinary place that encompasses the colors, flavors and scents of the Sicilian land and tells, with its finds and its hypogea, excavated 2500 years ago, the history of ancient Akragas.

The garden is open every day from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.

The Garden of Kolymbetra is a unique and fascinating place to visit. It is a place of beauty, history, and culture. The garden is a great place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of Sicily. It is also a great place to learn about the history and culture of ancient Akragas.


Luigi Pirandello's Birthplace

The birthplace of Luigi Pirandello is located in a rural area, overlooking the sea, called "Caos", on the border between the territory of the municipality of Agrigento (4 kilometers) and that of the municipality of Porto Empedocle. The birthplace was established as a House Museum in 1987 and forms a single Institute with the Pirandello Library.

The birthplace of Luigi Pirandello is a very suggestive place that tells the life and works of the great Sicilian writer. The house has been restored and furnished with period furniture and personal objects of the Pirandello family. Inside the house you can admire photographs, documents, letters and original manuscripts of the writer.

The House Museum of Luigi Pirandello is open from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm.


Torre Salsa Oriented Nature Reserve

Torre Salsa Oriented Nature Reserve is a protected natural area located in the municipality of Siculiana, in the province of Agrigento. The reserve was established in 2000 by the Sicilian Region and entrusted to the management of the Italian WWF. The reserve extends for 7 km along the southwestern coast of Sicily and includes a 6 km long sandy beach. The reserve is characterized by Mediterranean vegetation and gypsum cliffs dating back to the Messinian period, that is, 6 million years ago.

The Torre Salsa Oriented Nature Reserve is open every day from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.


Archaeological Zone of Eraclea Minoa

The archaeological zone includes the Greek Theater, the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, the Acropolis, and the Antiquarium. The Greek Theater is one of the most important monuments in the archaeological zone and is located on the hill of the Acropolis. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore is a Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Demeter and her daughter Kore. The Acropolis is the highest part of the archaeological zone and offers panoramic views of the coast. The Antiquarium houses a collection of archaeological finds found in the area.

The archaeological zone of Eraclea Minoa is open every day from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.
